Baby Bazzle is doing great, and so is mommy. Yesterday I finally felt the need to take a pic looking down at my belly. And look at that, a little bump in the works. Baby Bazzle is about the size of a turnip… These food comparisons really confuse me sometimes lol but either way he or she is growing! Check it out!

I swear, my boobs have grown more than my bump lately lol up another cup size, I know, TMI, but seriously, my mosquito bites have grown! 🙂
Still having some morning sickness, still feeling funky here and there but I’m slowly feeling better. I’ve been craving a Jersey Mike’s sub like crazy. And really that just means a turkey, american cheese, lettuce and mayo on white sandwich. I want it bad lol but no deli meat for prego girls. Not fair, so yesterday I had a BL since I hate the T. It was delicious. I’m craving things like hummus lately, apples give me my morning energy, and I can’t wait to have a bite of pumpkin pie soon.
It’s about that time too, what do you think Baby Bazzle is… A BOY OR A GIRL? Let me know!
Mommy to be, Kelly