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Writer's pictureKelly Bazzle

37 Weeks! That’s SERIOUS!

The last week and a half have been a whirlwind. I can’t even believe that I’m 37 weeks pregnant now. Today I even had a little false alarm. It happened. I’m that pregnant girl that cried wolf. But hey, it hurt lol. I was feeling some cramping, I was really uncomfortable and the pain just got a little too much to handle so I went to the doctor. They hooked me up to the machine to see if I was having contractions, of course that’s when the pain went mild. But I did get a contraction recorded and I got to listen to Camden’s heartbeat for about 15 minutes. I’m 1 CM dilated, I go back on Wednesday to get my official 37 week check up, and then next Thursday we get to see our little man on the ultrasound to see how big he is and check him out! I can’t wait for that!

Enough about the appointments and doctor stuff. I have some HUGE THANKS to give to some amazing friends and family who threw us quite the baby showers! First off, Thank you so much to Jayme Knoll, Jessica Chandler, Hagan Rodwell and Sydney Pratt! They threw us the cutest nautical baby shower and the guys got to come along as well, and hey, there was football on too, we won’t talk about the outcome, Drake doesn’t like to relive that game very much lol but congrats Jeff Catlin lol.

I LOVE YOU LADIES! Thank you so much for being in our lives and I can’t wait for Camden to meet his amazing Aunts. He’s one lucky little dude!


This past Sunday Drake’s Aunt Cindy, Aunt Deloris and Cousin Jenny threw us a Tea Party Baby Shower. It was adorable! It was a real tea room with hot tea, yummy food and great company. We got to celebrate baby Bazzle with the Bazzle and Williamson ladies and we had such a great time! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR LOVING FAMILY! We are so lucky to have you in our lives and we can’t wait for Camden to meet his family. We know he’ll make an entrance if he’s anything like his mom and dad and he’ll be surrounded by unconditional love and support from everyone around! WE LOVE YOU!



Well, I will keep y’all update on what’s happening next. Camden could be here any day now. I’m ready to meet him but he needs to cook a little longer too! LOVE YOU ALL! Love, Mommy to be, Kelly Bazzle XoXo

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